Gail Wronsky is the author of Again the Gemini are in the Orchard (New Poets Series), Dying for Beauty (Copper Canyon Press), The Love-talkers (Hollyridge Press), and co-author with Molly Bendall of the “Calamity and Belle” books of cowgirl poetry. Poems for Infidels is published by Red Hen Press, as is a book of her translations of the poems of Argentinean poet Alicia Partnoy, Volando Bajito. Her newest book, Blue Shadow Behind Everything Dazzling: Poems from India , has just been released by Hollyridge. Gail’s poems and reviews have appeared in the Poets Against the War anthology, The Poet’s Child, Volt, Runes, 88, Hunger Mountain, Antioch Review, Denver Quarterly, Boston Review, and many other anthologies and journals. She teaches at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where she is Director of Creative Writing and Syntext.