Graham Fulton lives in the town of Paisley in Scotland. He works for Renfrewshire Council. His poems have been widely published in magazines, anthologies and online journals, in both the UK and USA, including Ambit, Envoi, The Potomac, Barbaric Yawp, California Quarterly, Raintown Review, Orbis, The North, Staple, Stride, Stand and Edinburgh Review. His collections include Humouring the Iron Bar Man (Polygon, 1990), This (Rebel Inc, 1993), Knights of the Lower Floors (Polygon,1994), Ritual Soup and other liquids (Mariscat Press, 2002), Pocket Fugues and twenty three umbrellas (Controlled Explosion Press, 2009). Two new chapbook collections, The Man Who Forgot how to and Upside Down Heart, are forthcoming in 2010 from Scottish publishers Roncadora Press and Controlled Explosion Press. Three new full length collections called Open Plan, Full Scottish Breakfast and Equal Night are awaiting publication by Smokestack Books and Red Squirrel Press from England and Salmon Publishing from Ireland.