Perie Longo, Poet Laureate Emerita of Santa Barbara, California (2007-2009), has published three books of poetry: Milking The Earth, The Privacy Of Wind, and With Nothing Behind But Sky: a journey through grief. “Security Check” will appear in her new volume, Baggage Claim due to release in January, 2014 from WordTech Editions. Her work has appeared in Askew, Atlanta Review, Connecticut Review, International Poetry Review, Nimrod, Paterson Literary Review, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, South Carolina Review and others. She teaches poetry for the Santa Barbara Writers Conference, California-Poets-in-the-Schools, and privately. As a psychotherapist, she integrates poetry for healing. Her many travels took her to Kuwait in 2005 where she spoke on Poetry as a Pathway to Peace. She is poetry chair of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.